The NCCC 2010 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt!
2010 Quilt Show
Kensington (MD) Armory
Friday, December 3 - Saturday, December 4 In even years, the NeedleChasers sponsor a quilt show to exhibit members' work to the local community. Proceeds from the quilt show support the activities of the NeedleChasers, including their many service activities for local community organizations. For more information about the NeedleChasers' service projects, click here.
The NeedleChasers' 2010 QUILT SHOW will be held on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, and SATURDAY, December 4 at the Kensington Armory, in Kensington, MD. Watch this page for developing information.
Members: Click here for Instructions & Forms to enter your Quilt in the Show
The theme of the 2010 show is "New Directions: Past to the Present". Here's what we'll have for you at the show:
OVER 200 QUILTS, MADE BY THE NEEDLECHASERS. Come see bed quilts of all sizes, wall hangings, clothing and accessories, all made by the talented NeedleChasers! You'll also get to view many "challenge quilts" based on "Trying Something New" either a technique you have not done before or a new way of doing what you generally do. Maximum size is a circumference of 96" (approximately 2 feet by 2 feet, but any shape you want).
A TERRIFIC RAFFLE QUILT! could be the centerpiece of one of your bedrooms if you hold the winning ticket! The quilt design will be an uneven pieced log cabin. A new twist on a traditional block! This queen size, multi-colored contemporary quilt is rooted in a traditional block.
AN ARTISAN BOUTIQUE. Do your holiday shopping early! This is the place where you can purchase beautiful hand-sewn items, including small stuffed animals and other children's toys; baby quilts; quilted placemats, aprons, and potholders; and "art to wear", such as purses, tote bags, scarves, and jewelry. Lots of holiday items, including fabric ornaments, table runners, tree skirts, and placemats.
A SILENT AUCTION. Your chance to bid on some terrific quilts and other items made or provided by members of the NeedleChasers.
A "CALICO ELEPHANT" FOR QUILTERS AND OTHER SEWERS. Who doesn't need more quilt books, quilt magazines, fabric, and sewing notions -- and at bargain prices?! Come early for the best selection.
FAMILY-FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES. The show offers a great opportunity for kids to learn about quilting and fiber arts. Be sure to stop by the demonstration area, where children can read books about quilting and work on make-and-take quilting projects designed for young sewers.
QUILTING DEMONSTRATIONS. Would you like to learn how quilts are made and watch experienced quilters demonstrate piecing, appliqué, and other quilting techniques? Come to the show at almost any time to see a demonstration!

Today: Quilt Show in Maryland!!!