Special news!
A Nor'Easter in April???
Beh.He's the Nor'Easter Bunny...You'll surely see him again. But I hope it's not until next winter. It's time for spring to arrive...for real this time!
Anyway, the real reason I'm online is that I wanted to mention that these...
And this...(The BAG, not the cat, silly.)
...will be making an appearance at the Knitters Connection June 6 - 10, 2007, at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio. Just look for the Neighborhood Fiber Company booth at the Knitters Connection. Along with her awesome yarn, Karida's going to be selling Knit*Six knitting bags and stitch markers. (She's also offering some great pattern support at our favorite price: Free!)
I've been making these bags and markers for a while--and using them, too. I know they work, they last, and most of all that people like them (even non-knitters have asked about them). So, after about a year's worth of back-and-forthing, I finally decided to listen to my friends, get off the fence, and start selling some of my creations. Look for my Etsy shop soon!
Well, now you know how I'm going to be spending my rainy, cold weekend. Sewing, knitting, beading, knitting, and--ugh--having a little rendevouz with TurboTax. (Wish me luck!)
How about you? What will you be doing during our last (hopefully) taste of winter? Cool patterns? Shopping online? Vicarious shopping is always a thrill ;-) Do share!
why dyeing more yarn of course! i can't wait to see the new bag patterns!
Thanks for the comment on my blog & my Monkeys. I'm working on the Horcrux socks now.. I got beads to make stitch markers as well. I like to dye fiber (yarn, fabric, clothing) and, not only do I live in Half Moon Bay, but I grew up in Mill Valley. email me if you want, I'd love to hear more.
fairisle53 AT yahoo DOT com OR
padmamylove AT gmail DOT com
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